
Testing and ChatGPT

Discover and learn how ChatGPT and AI can revolutionize your agile testing process and enhance your team’s efficiency.

Learning objectives

Business Benefits:

  • Valuable insights into how ChatGPT can be utilized to optimize testing processes.
  • Streamlining of testing tasks and enhancement of the quality of software deliveries.
  • A competitive advantage in technological development with a team trained in cutting-edge AI tools.

Course Benefits:

  • A general understanding of ChatGPT and its application in agile testing processes.
  • Knowledge of what language models are and how they are likely to evolve in the future.
  • Skills to write and review user stories/test cases more effectively using AI.
  • The ability to lead your team through an AI-driven testing strategy that increases speed and precision.

Target audience

This course is tailored for software testers, test engineers, and test managers who work within agile frameworks and wish to incorporate the latest AI tools into their workflows. It is designed for professionals who already understand agile testing and are looking to enhance their methods using ChatGPT’s advanced capabilities. With a practical approach, you will learn how to use ChatGPT to write and review user stories with testable acceptance criteria, develop and review test cases, and analyze test metrics, all within the principles of ISTQB.

It is also ideal for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches looking for ways to optimize their teams’ efficiency, as well as project managers who want to understand the potential of AI to better support and guide their test teams.

Developers interested in learning how AI can enhance testing and quality assurance will also find the course beneficial, as will product managers responsible for delivering flawless software to the market.

Finally, the course is open to everyone in the IT and software development industry who are curious to understand how generative AI models like ChatGPT can transform testing processes and contribute to a more agile and responsive development cycle.

Course format

This 1-day course is structured around a practical walkthrough of a main case, allowing participants to practice using ChatGPT in connection with user stories, acceptance criteria, and more in a simulated Scrum cycle. The course also includes theoretical overviews and is linked to theory and terminology from ISTQB. Generally, the course will feature interactive and practical tasks, as well as discussions and debates based on your experiences, those of other participants, and the instructor’s insights.


No prior experience with artificial intelligence is necessary, as the course will provide a thorough introduction to AI’s role in agile testing. However, a general interest in technology and its applications will enhance the learning experience and enable more meaningful participation in the practical exercises of the course.

It is required that participants have created a profile on OpenAI to take part. More information on this will be provided after registration. TestHuset will provide computers for use during the course.

In-house training

If you are more than 5 people from same organisation, it can be beneficial to consider the course as in-house training. We conduct the course exclusively for your employees, either as standard as described or tailored to your needs.

In-house training offers several benefits. It can lead to financial savings when training more than five people. This approach fosters intensive exchange of experiences and encourages knowledge sharing among employees. Additionally, it helps in building a common understanding of the subject matter among the workforce. Furthermore, in-house training provides the opportunity for unique customization based on a company’s specific methods and processes.

Testing & ChatGPT

Testing and ChatGPT

In-house training or questions?

If you are more than 5 people or just need some help contact us at


Course content

1. Introduction to language models and AI

2. Introduction to ChatGPT

3. User Stories with ChatGPT: Learn to formulate detailed, testable user stories using ChatGPT that capture the essence of business requirements.

4. Test Cases and Reviews with ChatGPT: Use ChatGPT to identify risks and develop test cases that conform to ISTQB standards and to enhance the review process.

5. Analysis of Test Metrics: Apply ChatGPT to extract insights from test data and improve decision-making in your team.

6. Best Practices and Ethics in AI Testing: Discuss the ethical considerations of using AI in testing and learn to navigate potential pitfalls.


Meet our Trainers

Andrew Prasana Rajendram

Andrew has a degree in IT engineering, and 16 years of experience in large IT projects and quality assurance of IT solutions across various industries. He has previously been employed at TestHuset and has spent most of his career as an external consultant, where his roles have ranged from Tester, Technical Tester, Test Manager, Test Mentor, to Program Test Manager. Today, in addition to being a teacher and lecturer, he is also a freelance consultant in testing and QA. Andrew will specifically be teaching ‘Testing and ChatGPT,’ a course he developed in collaboration with TestHuset.